Manicka Thomas, MSW, Dayton OH 45417 African American therapist

Provider LocaManickaThomas Dayton OH black therapisttion: 3320 W. Third Street, Dayton, OH 45417

Telephone Number: 937-204-9013


Email Ms. Thomas now

Number of years in practice: 10

Provider Focus: Youth and Adolescent Behavior Disorders, culturally responsive
interventions for understanding and managing maladaptive youth

Provider’s personal statement:

This provider sees: Children and Families

This provider works with these concerns:
* Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity * Adolescence * Anger Management *
Anxiety * Behavior Problems * Bullying * Depression * Habit Control
(Smoking, Eating, Self-Harming) * Impulsive Behaviors * Loneliness *
Low Self Esteem * Mood Disorders * Motivation * Parenting * Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder * Post Partum Depression * Racism *
Stepfamilies * Stress Management * Social Isolation * Suicidal
Feelings * Time Management/Organization providing group therapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Psychotherapy

This provider’s payment policy: Contact provider to discuss fees and payment.

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